Common Formats for Racing Rando
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Note that the time estimates for the formats below do not include setup time. Be sure to put aside an extra 10-30 minutes in addition to the times below.
For more information about the generators linked here, see the bingo page.
Bingosync Bingo Board Generator
Byngosink Bingo Board Generator
Exploration/Roguelike Bingo Board Generator
A 1v1 format where the first to 13 goals (A majority of the board) wins. Marking a goal prevents your opponent from marking it. You may strategically hold off marking goals, but this risks you losing the goal.
Time estimate: 1-2 hours
Usually done in 2v..v2s. The first team to mark every goal on the board and have every member kill Radiance wins. Only one person in a team needs to complete a goal for the team to mark it.
Time estimate: 90min-2hr
All Majors
Semi-spoiler format. Essentially a 2v..v2 "All Skills" TE rando race, except the pool of skills also includes dupes and arbitrary charms (sometimes). Using the MajorItemsByAreaTracker mod, teams race to get the counter of items remaining down to 0 and finish the game with Radiance.
Time estimate: 1-2 hours
3 Lines
1v..v1 format. First person to mark 3 lines of goals wins. Lines may be rows, columns or diagonals.
Time estimate: 45min-90min
Chaos Lockout
1v..v1 format. Lockout except you are only locked out once (total number of players / 2) have marked a goal (rounded up). First to 13 wins.
Time estimate: 1-2 hours
1v1 lockout format. To start, players may only mark a goal on one of the sides of the board. Once the first player marks a goal, they have claimed a side, and the other player is assigned the other side. Once a player has marked a goal, they are allowed to mark a goal in the next line; however, they can never have more goals in a later line than in the previous one. Visual guide: ▶
Time estimate: 1-2 hours
Invasion, but played on a 13x13 board.
Time estimate for 2v2: 1-2 hours
Time Attack
A 1v..v1 time-restricted format where players compete to see who can complete the most goals in a set period of time. Each goal is worth one point and each row/column is worth an additional two.
Time Limit: 45 minutes to 1 hour.
1v..v1 format. Secretly place 3 different battleships on the card beforehand (Diagonals allowed), 2 goals in a row, 3 goals in a row and 4 goals in a row. Then whenever your opponent completes a goal, tell them if it hit or missed your battleships. Winner has to sink their opponent's battleships.
The board begins mostly hidden, with only a few goals visible to the players. When a player marks a goal, the adjacent goals become visible. Commonly played to 2, 3, or 4 corners, starting from the center. Can be played either 1v..v1 or 2v..v2.
"Get to the other side"
Uses a variation on the exploration board generator. Players start with all of the goals on the left visible, and must mark a goal in the farthest right column. Usually played 1v..v1.
Time Estimate: 1-2 hours
Uses the roguelike option on the exploration board generator. Players must make it from one side of the board to the other. Marking a goal will reveal the closest goals in the next column, but be careful! You can only mark 1 goal per column, which means you're stuck with whatever you revealed, so choose wisely. Usually played as a 1v..v1 format.
Spoiler Formats
Races for these formats have a certain Preparation time after generating the world, to look at the spoiler log and plan a route. These may be renegotiated if you're new and other racers agree.
Double Anti Bingo (DAB)
1v..v1 format. At the end of preparation time, you choose a line to force your opponent to do. First to complete their forced line + any other line wins.
Prep time: 10 minutes
Time estimate: 45 minutes
1v..v1 format. First to pick up Wayward Compass (not including the one given by Randomapmod) wins.
Prep time: 5 minutes
Time estimate: 10-30 minutes
Spoiler Multiworld
Spoiler log format. Goal can either be blackout or TE.
Prep time: 15 minutes
Time estimate: 50m-1:15 hours
2v..v2 format. One player has the spoiler log, and the other the game. May be played to 3 lines, TE, or whatever other goal is agreed upon beforehand.
Prep time: N/A
Time estimate: Depends on goal, 30min-1:30hr
Multiworld Formats
Multiworld TE
Coop format. Goal is for everyone to beat Radiance.
Time estimate: 2-3 hours
Multiworld 2v2s
Could be 3v3s, 4v4s etc. Each team uses their own multi room. All players use same seed and settings. Goal can either be blackout or TE.
Time estimate: 2-3 hours
Multiworld, but across multiple games. Usually played as a co-op to TE (or whatever goal each person chooses). See the Archipelago website for a list of currently supported games.
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