Q: Is this website real?

A: You tell me.

Q: Is smallhomothetyorganization.org actually affiliated with Homothety?

A: Maybe.

Q: Why is it named this?

A: Someone made a joke in VC about Big Homothety rigging our rando seeds. Somehow we ended up trying to figure out what the opposite of Big Homothety was and decided it was Small Homothety, head of smallhomothetyorganization.lu. Unfortunately Luxembourg is stingy with their domains so I had to register a .org one instead.

Q: Who is Homothety anyway?

A: Cool person that works on the HK rando mod. Also a math term that probably has to do with triangles or something.

Q: Are you still maintaining this?

A: Ya

Q: Who the h*ck are you?

A: Blossom

Q: Yippee

A: Yippee

Broken Vessel sipping a drink with a straw.