Glossary of Rando Terms
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The Randomizer community has words and abbreviations that are used to refer to different aspects of the game. While knowing these terms is not necessary to play the game, they exist to quickly communicate with other players on the fly, especially in racing situations. You may also hear comms use these terms in tournaments and events, since most comms are experienced rando racers.
The list here is not comprehensive, and may change as the community changes and new things are added to the randomizer. If you notice I forgot something, please submit it to the suggestion box!
For terms that are more specific to the speedrunning side of the community, but still may be used in rando, see this pastebin.
General Randomizer Terms
Baby Seed: A term used to describe a seed with a lot of easy early movement and progression
Burger King (BK): In Itemsync, Multiworld, and Archipelago randomizers, being unable to obtain any checks without receiving progression from another player.
Check: Location containing a randomized item.
Go-mode: Being able to finish the goal of the seed/format without obtaining any additional items. Usually, this means that you are hard-rushing your finish and not doing checks on the way. Also known as being “in go”.
Hash: The sequence of four enemies listed after randomization used to ensure that racers have the same settings and seed.
Helper Log: Located in your save files folder after generating a rando seed. Shows what item locations are in logic and any items that have been previewed.
Intended Progression: The order that the randomizer expects you to obtain items; see progression.
Logic: Whether or not the randomizer believes you can reach a location (a location is “in logic” or “out of logic”); alternatively, a synonym of intended progression.
Modlog (noun): A log located in your save files folder, used for diagnosing and troubleshooting errors; also see modlogging.
"Modlogging" (verb): A form of cheating by reading the spoiler log in non-spoiler formats. Almost always used hyperbolically. Originally, spoiler log did not exist and the locations of items were written to the modlog. The term originated from previous randomizer versions, and is still in use, even though the modlog no longer contains spoilers. “How did you finish so fast?” “Well, dash was super cursed, but I literally modlogged it, so…”
Orphan (a check): Clearing all the checks in the area around a check, leaving the check isolated, usually due to not having movement to do the check; generally avoided because going back for the orphaned check loses a lot of time. Also known as "stranding" the check.
Progression: Any item that allows one to reach a previously unreachable location.
Random Obtain: A random item, usually as required for a bingo board, such as a specific key or charm, or a number of minor items such as rancid eggs. Movement and duped major items are usually not referred to as “random obtains”.
Seed: The number used to generate random placements; or, the settings of the current randomizer; or, the current randomizer as a whole.
Sequence Break: Reaching a location that the randomizer does not expect you to be able to reach, usually via a skip; also known as “breaking logic”.
Spoiler Log: Located in your save files folder after generating a rando seed. Contains the locations of every item in the randomizer seed. Banned for use in most randomizer races, except for formats that specifically allow it; these formats are referred to as “spoiler formats”.
Tracker Log: Located in your save files folder after generating a rando seed. Shows what items have been picked up in the order that they were obtained.
Mods & Applications
Area Blitz: A setting that is part of the RandoPlus connection mod. Area blitz randomly picks several map areas of the game (Greenpath, Deepnest, etc) to place items in and leaves the rest empty. Areas that are excluded by the seed contain no items at checks, while areas that are included usually contain two or more items per check to compensate.
Blu's Helper: AKA "HK Rando Log Display". An alternative helper log reader with features that make searching it easier.
Full Flexible Count: A setting that is part of the RandoPlus connection mod. Usually, if the number of items placed exceeds the number of check locations (for example, if any duplicate item settings are on) the randomizer will move junk items such as relics into shops. Full flexible allows any check outside of shops to also act the same way by containing more than one item, which helps declutter shops.
Itemsync: A mod that sends items obtained by one player to all other players in their “room”, as well as removing them from those players’ games.
Lumafly: A mod installer that provides easy access to most published mods, including all required mods for rando and add-ons; formerly known as "Scarab+".
Scarab: Another popular mod installer with slightly fewer features, but the same list of mods.
Check Locations
Acid Bath: East fog canyon start, near the fog canyon Cornifer location. (Compare "autopilot")
Acid Bridge (relic): The Hallownest Seal in Greenpath in the room below Thorns of Agony.
Acrid Egg: The egg located in upper Kingdom’s Edge, in the room that also contains the whispering root. It is in the top right section of the room and is hidden in a wall with a belfly. Named after rando player "AcridStingray".
Any% Journal: the Wanderer’s Journal in City of Tears, above King’s Station.
Autopilot Lifeblood/Seal: The Hallownest Seal and Lifeblood Cocoon in West Fog Canyon by Overgrown Mound. There is also a start in this room.
Basin Simple Claw: A boomer joke name for “basin simple key”.
Broken Bridge (relic): Relic in the room bridging Basin and Waterways.
“Come Back Here” relic: The relic located on the left-side of the Marmu’s room in Queen’s Gardens. It requires vertical movement without skips in logic, but it can be achieved in harder logic with just Mothwing/Shade Cloak.
Damage Boost relic: The relic in Fog Canyon nearby Crossroads entry. So named because it requires a damage boost when itemless. Also called “Spooky Relic” in some sections of the community.
Jennifer Totem: The totem in between Crossroads Stag and Gruz Mother, next to a jumping husk. Referred to as “shops totem” in the logs. Named after the speedrunning community's nickname for jumping husks, "Jennifers".
JMV: Journal (above) Mantis Village.
King's Arena: The City vessel fragment arena.
Lemm Egg: Rancid Egg in the room above Lemm.
Markoth Dive Relic: The relic in the same room as the shade gate to Markoth (requires Dive).
Oat Check: AKA Crossroads Vessel Fragment, always requires Elevator Pass (if it is randomized). Named after rando player "Oatmille" because she is known for reminding others to check it.
Paum Relic: The check in the room beneath the left side of Shrumal Ogres arena that, in no skips logic, requires Mantis Claw and any one of Monarch Wings, Mothwing/Shade Cloak, or Crystal Heart. In vanilla it is a Wanderer’s Journal. Named after rando player "Paum" because he is known for reminding other players to check it.
Progression Egg: The egg in Blue Lake.
Sheo Totem: The totem underneath Greenpath toll bench.
Snowy Relic: Boomer name for edge entrance journal. Named after rando player "SnowyRNG".
Spooky Relic: See "Damage Boost relic". Named after rando player "Spookynightowl".
Super Secret Seal The Hallownest Seal located in east Deepnest locked behind either Mantis Lords or Fungal Core.
Wellic: The Hallownest Seal in the well from Crossroads to Dirtmouth. Sometimes referred to as just "well".
Miscellaneous Abbreviations
3L: 3-lines, a randomizer racing format. (See the formats page for more details.)
AM: All majors, a randomizer racing format.
BOTE: Blackout True Ending, another randomizer racing format.
CG1: Crystal Guardian.
CG2: Enraged Guardian, usually just referred to as "Crystal Guardian 2" by the community.
DAB: Double Anti Bingo, a randomizer racing format.
GTTOS: Get to the Other Side, a randomizer racing format.
MMC: Massive Moss Charger.
LT: Lifetotems, a preset that adds Lifeblood, Soul Totems and Boss Geo in addition to the Standard preset.
LT+: Lifetotems Plus, a community name for adding junk pit chests to the Lifetotems preset.
LT++: Lifetotems Plus Plus, a community name for adding junk pit chests, journal entries, and boss essence to the Lifetotems preset.
RSM: Rando Settings Manager.
SHO: Small Homothety Organization. (you are here!!! wow!!!!!!)
TGOBAF: The Glory of Being a Fool Rando (Connection that adds colo 3 as a check).
TRJR: The Real Journal Rando.
VK: Vengefly King.