Hollow Knight 8th Anniversary Celebration

HK8Y is the Hollow Knight 8th anniversary event! The event will be spread out over the course of three days: main day, meme day, and rando day. Rando day will take place on Thursday, February 20th, 2025 starting at 5pm UTC (12pm EST).

The schedule for meme day is below. Please keep in mind that the schedule is subject to change.

Rando Day Schedule

5:00pm UTC 12:00pm EST Intro/Setup%
5:10pm UTC 12:10pm EST Spoiler Hand/Brain (46 Grubs) jRunners: jony, connoramon, Phia, purenail Comms: ValeMK
6:30pm UTC 1:30pm EST Lockout Runners: Tim vs connoramon Comms: OhkoXar, purenail
8:00pm UTC 3:00pm EST Plando (Created by Kamakiller and Purenail) Runners: aPress, ValeMK, May, Quatopine Sylvie, Phia
10:45pm UTC 5:45pm EST Mystery Event Runner: Mystery Runner Comms: Mystery Comms
11:30pm UTC 6:30pm EST Lever Get to the Other Side Runners: phloofyshark, Nerthul11, OhkoXar Comms: Maso, Azerod
1:45am UTC 8:45pm EST Blackout True Ending Runners: Sylvie, princesscelery, Frunobulaxian, Henryst Comms: Birdie, May
3:45am UTC 10:45pm EST Glitched No-logic 3-Lines Runners: BlossomtheCellist, Aggy, randomscorp Comms: aPress, Badmagic