Hollow Knight 7th Anniversary Celebration: Rando Day

HK7Y was the Hollow Knight 7th anniversary event which took place in February 2024. The event was broken into three parts: rando day, which took place on Thursday Feb 22nd at 8:00pm UTC; meme day, which took place on Friday Feb 23rd at 8:00pm UTC; and the main event, which took place on Saturday Feb 24th at 2:00pm UTC.


Rando day means that this day was all about the Randomizer mod for Hollow Knight! There are dozens of ways to enjoy randomizer, and we showcased some of our favorites. For more information on randomizer, see the extensive randomizer section on this website!

The schedule for the rando day event is below. Credit to dragon_nyx for the cool png version!

An image with the HK7Y rando day schedule. Schedule transcript is in the table below.

Rando Day Schedule

8:00pm UTC 3:00pm EST 1v1 Lockout Runners: OhkoXar, Connoramon Comms: Aggythearon, Adyn99
9:30pm UTC 4:30pm EST 2v2 Area Blitz Plando (Made by kamakiller and purenail!) Runners: ins0mnia and Quatopine vs Tim and ValentinMK Comms: Sylvienukie, birdiestblue
12:00am UTC 7:00pm EST Spoiler Hand/Brain Dapper Mapper Runners: Phia, Purenail, Kamakiller, uninformedpotato Comms: ValentinMK, Badmagic
1:15am UTC 8:15pm EST 2v2 All Glitches, No Logic to True Ending Runners: Blossomthecellist and a_Press vs theMasochistGamer and randomscorp Comms: Badmagic, vichisuki
3:15am UTC 10:15pm EST 3 Player Get to the Other Side Runners: Aggy, uninformedpotato, Noodles Comms: oatmille1, Sethadocious
4:30am UTC 11:30pm EST 4 Player Cursed Itemsync Runners: Sethadocious, birdiestblue, ElementalGamer, Phia Comms: theMasochistGamer, kamakiller